Go Cuba Fishing is made by Fishermen, for Fishermen
Lets go fishing!
The aims of this project is to help people experience the best
of flyfishing in Cuba.The authors in this pages
is fishermen which fish World Wide, both flyfishing, deep sea
fishing and lure fishing.
The GoCubaFishing site will have a general focus at flyfishing in
Cuba, but we could also add separate
links about lure- and deep sea fishing if the interest
for this grows.
Ted Morgan Pettersen
45 yrs young, fish for everything that swims in the
In Cuba he have caught a lot of Bonefish, Tarpons,
Permits, Jacks, Baracudas, Snappers and even a few big
Needlefish(about a meetre long).
Ted caught his first Super grand Slam(Permit, Tarpon, Bonefish
and Snook) the 29'th of March 2011.
In the summertime you can find him in local rivers
where he live(Rogaland/Norway), in Gaula/Støren, or in the
areas around Røros/Femunden.
Contact Ted: tmp@gocubafishing.com

48 yrs old. He have been in Cuba numerous of times and caught
most of the species down there.
Asgeir caught his first Super Grand Slam the 30'th of March
Asgeir have more than 120 fishing-days world wide every year,
and he works for Pure Fishing in Norway.